Friday, June 20, 2008


It was the left that saw to it that the Riksdag passed the FRA Act by a very slim margin. They voted against it with fervor and passion. But nobody should be fooled into believing that their criticism of the FRA Act has anything to do with concern for individual freedom. The big socialist party, the Social Democrats, and the small socialist party, the VPK (Communists), are both for large, very intrusive governments. They want the government to run all health care, the entire education system (with no opportunities to choose your children's education), they want to raise taxes (the world's highest taxes is not enough) and tax your income with penalizing marginal rates so as to regulate how much money you can make, etc.

The Social Democrats opposed the FRA Act because they saw an opportunity to get the law passed without having to take the political fallout for it. Again - they invented this law back in 2004. The VPK opposed it because they know that someone will use it against them at some point.

The only genuinely respectable opposition to the FRA Act was within the Green Socialists and the very few members of the Riksdag from the center-right coalition who voted against it or abstained from voting.

As the campaign against the FRA Act continues, we have to be aware of the motives of some of the people on the same side. Totalitarianism is not isolated to the government's eavesdropping on our private conversations; totalitarianism is the government intruding on all aspects of our lives.

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