Monday, June 30, 2008


The ink has barely dried on the op-ed by the FRA boss where he fervently defends his agency's ability to handle its blanket wiretapping authority with integrity and respect. And already the daily Dagens Nyheter reports that employees at the FRA have leaked highly classified material to the press.

In the report, which was broadcast [by Sweden's national TV station SVT] it was claimed that the FRA has clandestinely been storing Swedish telephone and computer communications for a good ten years. Someone at the FRA revealed discussions on the agency's internal network, and therefore the national attorney for freedom of speech issues is suspecting breaches of a pledge to secrecy from a government employee.

Apparently the Swedish government considers this as potentially putting Sweden's national security in jeopardy.

What this goes to show is that the FRA is as vulnerable to corruption and leaks as any other government agency. Given the incredible sensitivity of the material that the FRA collects from its blanket wiretapping program, this makes it all the more easy for politicians to spy on each other and - not to forget - the people.

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