Thursday, June 19, 2008


Now that the Swedish government has been granted legal, and de facto unrestricted opportunities to eavesdrop on its citizens, it is time to start wondering what the upcoming constitutional reform will focus on. Sweden's current constitution is only 34 years old (yes - it was adopted when Gerald Ford was president) and the need to write a new one seems over the top artificial. A constitution is supposed to outlast the government, not the other way around.

It is important that every Swede with the slightest interest in his own individual freedoms keep a close eye on the constitutional reform process. It has not begun yet, but will start during this year. Chances are good - given the relative ease with which the FRA Act sailed through the Riksdag - that there will be further restrictions on individual freedoms and that those restrictions will make it in to the final draft without much protest.

A watchful eye on the constitutional reform process is more than desirable. It is a citizen duty.

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